Friday, December 9, 2011

Vengaboys - Shalala lala

I love this song!!!!!!!

THis MV is very funnyXD But a bit sick..

Heaven Is A Place On Earth

Great voice, cool song. This was a song released about 20 years ago, when music were real music.. When I saw a title mentiong heaven, I thought she is a Christian. I read from somewhere saying she was a Christian, but she became a Buddhist. Dunno real or not..

Yesterday I resat my piano exam. The Yamaha melody singing version. I wasnt nervous, perhaps I should have been, then I would have played faster. The examiners said I played too slow and asked me to play the second time. Not only that, my tempo wasnt consistent and my pictch was sometimes good but sometimes shaky.

Ah well at least it's over..

I went back to school yesterday to buy exercise books. I didnt know we can go buy already until Elsa told me about it.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


This mv is so cool!! The cars, the dance, the voice, OMG!!

I LOVE Big Bang!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011


I created a Twitter account yesterday. My parents werent very happy about it but they didnt say i cannot create an account so whatever.. I know I will feel bad and guilty if I lie to them this time so I asked them whether I can create an account. I followed Lee Min Ho but I dunno whether it's the real person or not.

So.. i havent updated this blog for a week cuz i felt lazy.. Oh btw I got a new guitar!! Yamaha APX700 aqua coloured.

I learned how to play a few chords. Need to practise more!! I think that's all for now. Bye!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Another Korean Drama

We watched finish Iris yesterday, sad ending, but whatever. T.O.P. acted as an assasin in this series and I felt so sad when he was killed by the main character. I still didnt get over the fact that he used a girl's feelings to get information out of her and then killed her. Ah I know it's just a show, not reality. But I really hate that kind of betrayal.

We returned that series and rented City Hunter!! Lee Min Ho acted in this series. Park Min Young who acted as his lover is actually his girl friend now. She was featured in Big Bang's Haru Haru mv...

There you go!!

Ok, I could have rented a movie to watch tomorrow but I forgot=( I guess we will have to make do with the old movies then.. I hope everyone will enjoy themselves tomorrow..

Hmm, my mum might be getting a tablet. Mum suggested to get me a netbook but my hopes were dashed when she said we can just share and use the tablet with the keyboard so they dont need to get me a netbook. On the outside I told them it was ok if they dont get me a netbook, but I was secretly wishing for one. I know I should be grateful for what I have now, but I couldnt help feeling diasppointed and was in a bad mood after that.

I think I might be influenced by my mum to get hooked on watching Korean dramas.. I think I know where my money will be spent on in the future...

Friday, November 25, 2011

You Are The Apple of My Eye

This movie is out in the cinemas already!! It's based on the book written by Giddens and it's a really touching story. Their OST are all very nice and instrumental. I think they have quite a good review. Sad that it's 18...

I feel so happy today I manage to wake up early and exercise. My parents were surprised=) I dont feel like such a failure already.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Sense of Failure?

Every time I decided to do something, I just dont have enough determination to do it, eg wake up early today to exercise... Instead I woke up later than usual=(

Then, there are many other things besides that. I was enthusiastic to do something for a moment, then I lost interest. Eg I thought of joining volleyball next year, then I thought maybe badminton instead cuz at least I know the basics, then when I realise how bad I am in it, I thought of swimming!! My mum suggested I learn swimming this holiday, then I thought maybe next year I can put swimming under the sports category next year. Turns out mum says it's too rush so I'm not learning swimming now....

I feel like a 5-minute person (dunno got such word in english or not), 五分钟热度, or hangat-hangat tahi ayam. Ugh, why am I so.... hopeless? Maybe I shouldnt plan anything in my life, just go with the flow or something. Sigh..

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


This is a song from Big Bang and it's really catchy. Though it doesnt sound very pure when Tae Yang sang "I'm falling, I'm falling, falling". Only GD, T.O.P., and Tae Yang sang here.

P.S. This is Iri's OST by the way.

P.P.S. And Iris is a Korean drama, one of the highest budget one, for those who dont know. An action-packed series. I recommend this to those who love action-packed shows and guns. They filmed in Hungary, Japan and China. Cool right?

Last evening, I successfully baked a batch of butter cookies without much help of my mum. Mum only helped me beat the big chunk of butter into smaller pieces and er, cleared up my mess. I wanna thank God, my friends who bake eg Kyleen, Bernice and Elsa, and my family or I wont bother to bake at all. When I saw so many people started baking, I felt I dont want to waste my holiday following the same routine of using the com, practising piano, reading and watching TV everyday so I thought "Why not bake?". My family who tasted the cookies said it was ok. The first cookie I ate was half dry and half moist, but the other cookies I ate were ok though. I took photos of my hard work, but I wont be uploading here cuz I'm lazy...


Maybe baking can be my hobby in the future hmm...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Wassup Everybody!!

Holidays are starting to be a bore lately, I dont do anything worth while. I'm starting to give up on my piano sigh, what with the very fast tempo of the exam pieces. I think I better practise later.

My mum is starting to get hooked onto Korean drama. She watched the remaining episodes of My Princess on Youtube cuz she was impatient to wait everyday to watch on TV. Then she came across some other Korean dramas. Eg Iris. So my parents rented the series and now we are at episode 5. My parents suggested I ask some friends to come over to our house and have a movie marathon. They dont mind renting the movies or series. My dad said last time he had movie marathons with his friends and it was quite fun. They watched TV, cook and eat, watch again, eat etc. So far I only ask Kyleen and Cheryl, but I'm not sure who else to ask. Everybody seem so busy in the holidays. Bernice, Nicole, u guys interested?

I'm taking Chinese for SPM, but the only chinese tuition available clashes with cg. I dont want to put God aside anymore just to go for chinese tuition like I did for these past 3 years. Chinese is not as easy subject, so I will have to take tuition. I really dunno what to think regarding this matter. What am I gonna do? Time passes really fast, I will have to face all of the big problems when school reopens: tuition, being a probate, unending piano exams, and who knows what else. I'm getting very worried now so let's move on to the next topic!

I wanna watch Hunger Games!!! Josh Hutcherson is acting as Peeta. He acted in Cirque Du Freak before. I somehow mixed up and told Kyleen it was Alex Pettyfer who is acting as Peeta. Oh well.. They have quite a few experieced actors and actresses. Eg Elizabeth Banks who is gonna act as Effie Trinket, the guy acting as Cato--Alexander Ludwig acted before in Race to Witch Mountain. Isabelle Fuhrman who acted in Orphan is acting as Clove. If I am not mistaken, Amandla Sternberg who is acting as Rue acted in Colombiana. I hope Hunger Games will turn out to be a good movie.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Bop Bop Baby

This is Bop Bop Baby by Westlife. Today I went to a post office and they have this tv which was playing Bop Bop Baby. It is quite a funny name, I say. Bop means dance to pop songs. Though I dont really know what it really means here.

I think I might start loving oldies again. I was obsessed with oldies a few weeks ago, but the obsession faded away. I never get obsessed with anything long.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Those Kindergarten Days...

I was feeling very restless and bored so I decided to watch the Tadika Grace's Annual Graduation and Concert 2002.

I was so surprised that quite a few people I know at TMN SEA were from Tadika Grace. Eg Aaron Tan (frm my class), Min Yi, Emily Yip, Wei Ning, Ho Jen Wai (Dunno is it the one from our school or not, but then not many people go by that name so maybe it is). Bernice, I saw you too!! Then there are some from my primary school who were from Tadika Grace eg Eunice Ngooi, Wan Qing and Tomoko Chai. I knew Yi Ling from our school is also from Tadika Grace. There are others but I cant remember them at the moment.

Talking about kindergarten, I cant really remember anything from those days. I only remember some friends, maybe a few punishments (some I was asking for it, eg when I didnt finish my homework) and some disagreements among friends. Ah well, when we were younger, we were friends for one day, then for some unknown reason, we were not, then dunno why, we started to talk to each other again. Or at least it happened to me...

I remembered some occasional stuff I did and was quite embarassed with them after that. I wrote a letter to my favourite teacher and she read it in front of the whole class. It was really random stuff I wrote to her. I said I liked that teacher, and I remembered I wrote something about a bag. I wonder whether she still kept the letter or not. Then there was this case my friend and I called a certain teacher stupid (I dunno why I'm writing this, but whatever). This friend of mine told me the next day her mother said we shouldnt call teachers stupid, and she told the teacher we called stupid behind her back that I called the teacher stupid. Come on, I was a kid, dont even know anything really. I got scolding from the teacher of course. I did cry later on.

Once when my grandfather was late to fetch me, my favourite teacher stayed back with me and let me eat a bit of her food. I think it was loh mai kai. I also remember once when the whole class made a lot of noise except the group I was in while the teacher was busy talking with someone outside, the teacher was very angry when she came back. She punished us and the group who made the most noise was the 2nd to go back. Our group, whom are so innocent, was the last to go back. I think we cried.

Kindergarten days were fun, we didnt really think and ponder much, so life was quite simple then. Now as we grow up we tend to think and ponder too much, life gets a bit complicated.

I'm gonna continue watching the annual graduation and concert cuz I wanna see my performance.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

GD&TOP - Baby Good Night

This song started with french!! I didnt know until I saw d comments. Guess what? Big Bang won the MTV EMAwards!! They are the only non-American band besides Queen who won the award. GDragon was really sweet when he put the blanket on the girl:)

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Last Day...

Today is the last day of school. Abbey, Elsa, Kyleen, Ly Dion, Nicole, Yee Li and Zoe came to school today. We didnt do much today, so it's kinda boring. We played Uno and Heart Attack for a while, unlike yesterday when Elsa, Abbey, Kyleen and I played almost the whole day. Come to think of it, yesterday was more fun than today. So, basically, we spent almost the whole day talking. We had extended recess cuz the teachers had buffet. Yee Li planted the idea that we also had our share in the buffet cuz there were so many empty plates. I knew that our fantasy of us eating the buffet was ruined when Ms Anne announced that we had extended recess. So we went to the canteen, and I ate fried rice instead of Indian food (buffet).

After recess, we went back to the hall, to find ourselves landed on the job of helping the teachers to clear their plates. Actually, I find those teachers who left their plates around (plus rubbish) quite irresponsible. Anyway, Ms Anne said that we will get to drink the cold drinks after we helped them take their plates and cups into the bilik masakan. All went well until we realised we had to help to wash the plates, wipe them clean and put them back to place. It was quite fun, I suppose, after sitting whole day doing nothing but we didnt get our drinks! We went back to the hall and there was no free drinks in sight. So we went to the canteen and bought our own drinks.

Elsa was playing monopoly with Gayithiri, Lea, Hui Mei etc when we went back to the hall. I watched them play for a while and I learned a bit of how to play monopoly in cards version as Elsa was explaining to me. It is kinda different from the board version.

Friday, October 28, 2011

98º =)

I watched Nottinghill a few weeks ago and I heard this song in the movie. It was really sweet. Do watch!! You wont regret it. This song is old school music, so it's vry nice. I LOVE this band!! These guys were quite handsome in their days, as you can see when you watch this music video. They sang Because Of You, and I'm sure everybody heard this song b4 even tho they dunno the title (eg me). I would have insert that video too but I dunno how to insert a few videos in the same post. Uh, can you teach me Zoe?

Btw, my mum called up DUMC and found out the church camp her friend's daughter is going is under the Chinese congregation, and the camp is at early December (or is it Nov?), while the english camp is at 18-21 December. My mum intends to sign me up for the english church camp. Anybody going? Bernice, Zoe, Kyleen? You can come too, Zoe you know. The fees is RM150.

Wanna go find more songs, byes!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Zoe is right. Old school music is nicer than contemporary music. Btw does those Boyzone songs and Shania Twain songs count as old school?

I'm a bit obsessed with Disney cartoons at the moment. It's just very nostalgic and I miss my childhood when I do not need to worry about anything at all, and everyday I watch cartoons which I dont understand. Play games, have fun. So when I came across those Disney songs on YOUTUBE, I started to appreciate the music and the quality of the cartoons then. Unlike now when the cartoons are quite lame. But I'm not fit to judge considering my age. I stopped watching cartoons a few years ago (except some occasional episodes when my brother is watching cartoons I will watch too) cuz I think cartoons are baby-ish but now I think that cartoons play a significant role in our lives. After all, we gro up watching cartoons, dont we? We had our fun and laughter watching cartoons, so when a few decades later we came across the same cartoons, we will be like 'Hey I watched this before!'. So it's very nostalgic, at least to me. And the difference of watching the cartoons we watched when we were young is that we understand the plot of the story now.

The music made during the era when we were born was the genre of music I like best. It's touching, sentimental, nostalgic and peaceful. The music nowadays are catchy, but you get bored of it fast. Those type of music dont bring any significance to me, it just makes me feel like dancing (even though I dunno how to). The songs I like are songs that make me feel something, ponder about the meaning of it and try to treasure it in my heart.

I spent the whole night copying lyrics. One day I wanna go to my grandmother's place to watch cartoons which my house dangerously lack. The Sleeping Beauty discs I only have disc 1, I dunno what happen to the Lion King discs, and some of the cartoons are quite blur, eg Fa Mulan. It kept stopping and I got annoyed.

I need to download more oldies, Chrisian songs, Korean songs and delete whatever I dont want in my mp3 player.

My mum heard that there is a Christian Camp organised by DUMC from a non-Christian friend. Funny that we never heard of that even though we attend that church. Mum wants me to go.. So if it clashes with the warehouse sale for guitars, my parents will be choosing the guitar for me. Man, i wanna go to the warehouse sale.. It's at Yamaha (I think at the Kelana Jaya one) in December. So I'm gonna get a guitar:)))))

Monday, October 24, 2011

Real Steel

Yesterday we had a cell group outing at 1U. The guys didnt come so it became more like a girls outing. This outing is supposed to celebrate Valerie's birthday. I never seen her until yesterday lol. Anyway, because Jehanne and Valerie went for the Sunday service, they arrived late and we missed the first 20 minutes of the movie!!=(  The guys wanted to watch the movie and yet they themselves didnt come. Kyleen bought an extra ticket because one of the guys didnt tell her that he was not coming. Being an organizer is not easy. Thanks Kyleen for organizing this outing!!

Real Steel is quite nice and the little boy is so cute! His name is Dakota Goyo. He is 12 years old and Bernice and I agreed that he will be very handsome when he grows up. OMG!! I just read wikipedia and he acted as young Thor!! We watched that movie 2 weeks ago. My goodness, he's just so cute!


Dakota Goyo Picture

I dunno why I call him little even though he is just 3 years younger than me. Who knows? I might have a crush on him in a few years timeXD

Soundtracks from Real Steel:
1. Fastlane – Bad Meets Evil (Edited)
2. Here’s A Little Something For Ya – Beastie Boys (Edited)
3. Miss The Misery – Foo Fighters
4. The Enforcer – 50 Cent (Unreleased)
5. Make Some Noise – The Crystal Method Featuring Yelawolf
6. Till I Collapse – Eminem (Edited)
7. One Man Army – Prodigy & Tom Morello
8. Give It A Go – Timbaland Featuring Veronica
9. The Midas Touch – Tom Morello
10. Why Try – Limp Bizkit (Edited)
11. Torture – Rival Sons
12. All My Days – Alexi Murdoch
13. Kenton – Danny Elfman

I like the instrumental songs they played in the movie. I dun really like the rock songs, well except for Give It A Go and Torture. All My Days guitar strumming is quite nice too.

These are the instrumentals that I like:

Real Steel Original Motion Picture ScoreMusic by Danny Elfman.

1. Charlie Trains Atom
2. On The Move
3. Into The Zoo
4. Why We’re Here (feat. vocal by Poe)
5. Meet Atom
6. It’s Your Choice
7. Safe With Me
8. Atom Versus Twin Cities
9. … For A Kiss
10. Get In The Truck
11. Bonding
12. Twin Cities’ Intro
13. Parkway Motel (feat. vocal by Poe)
14. This Is A Brawl
15. You Deserve Better
16. Into The Ring
17. Taking A Beating
18. Final Round
19. People’s Champion

Real Steel Movie Score
We ate lunch at Food Republic. Bernice took photos of our food. I'm kinda hopeless with taking pictures of food cuz I only remember my wanting to take picture of it when I'm halfway through eating. I ate very little, just salad and chicken creamy soup for lunch cuz I ate a lot before the movie. First I ate Tako, Japanese version of fishball, though the fillings are chicken and cheese, not fish. Then my mum took us to Nyonya Colours to eat some more cuz we are still hungry. I ate chee cheong fun and cucuk udang while my mum and brother ate nasi lemak and cucuk udang. Bernice bought popcorn and coke I had a share in that too.

Bernice ate chilli chicken rice, Jehanne ate asam laksa and otak-otak (everybody tried the otak-otak except Valerie), Valerie ate pattaya and Kyleen ate noodles. Though I'm not sure what it is called, it has mushrooms and er.. I cant remember. We went to Popular before we went home. I actually left at 5pm cuz my bro and I were engrossed with our storybooks while my mum was trying to persuade us to go back.

I am reading I Am Number 4 at the moment and some of the scenes of the movie is  included in the book. I bet the main character in the book is more handsome than the one in the movie.

That's all for now. Bye!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Finding Japanese Songs

I'm now finding japanese songs cuz I wanna download them. Ly Dion introduced me some a few days ago so I decided to download them. Much to my disappointment, there are not many websites you can download those songs from. Not even 4shared. I didnt want to try mediafire cuz these days mediafire takes about half an hour to download the songs. So I thought of converting the youtube songs to mp3 by using a certain website but the youtube japanese songs are not of really good quality.

I just practise an hour of piano. Actually I was supposed to practise for 2 hours under my dad's order. I think I'll continue later, though very unlikely I will do so.

Today everyday had fun playing Cluedo. Thanks to Bernice who brought it to school. Or many of us will die of boredom. Of course there are either games like Monopoly, Uno etc, but they are quite common and not as fun as Cluedo, which many of us dunno how to play at first. We learnt how to play along the way. The first round Bernice, Cheryl, Zoe Kyleen, Min Yi and I played and result in a draw. The second round more people joined in so we paired up. Bernice will bring Cluedo again tmr I think.

The BR class went for cooking class today. Man, they get to bake and eat!! But the teacher took back their remaining cakes they baked. Such injustice! The parents didnt get to taste their children's once in a blue moon baked products and the teacher just brought back home the students' food. Plus they paid for the ingredients.

I'm gonna read the last book of Hunger Games later. There are 3 in total. I still think the first book is the best. Later, I'll have to continue reading the camera manual and I hate reading the manual . So boring. But what to do? Either I read the manual and learn how to use my hand-me-down camera, or be blur and not be able to use my camera to its full potential.

Btw, I was asking Pn Tan about Chinese just now, and she said that when we apply scholarships from other international countries like US and Australia, the minimum requirement is 2 international language, so taking Chinese for SPM will definitely help. The Chinese we sat for in PMR is counted, but when compared to other participants who took Chinese for SPM, of course they will choose the latter.

I did not see Aaron for a long time. He came to school today and now I know the reason why. He had eye infection. He said it did not hurt but his eyes felt heavy. May God bless him and his family who were infected.

It's gonna rain soon. I'm gonna sign out now so bye=)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Bernice, Cheryl and I are now at my house now. We went to Tutti Frutti after school. We met Cheryl on the way to my house. We (Me, Cheryl, Bernice, Zoe, Kyleen, Nicole, Aaron) then walked together back to my house. Zoe, Aaron and I changed. When we were walking on the way to Tutti Frutti, we saw Wan Teng's gang. Zheng Yi was teasing Aaron cuz he was the only guy with us and he teased back Wan Teng cuz she was the only girl with her gang.:)

Today is Zoe's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, the yogurt ice-cream was kinda expensive. I shared mine with Cheryl. It was lady's day so we have 15% discount. The guy at the counter is called Clerk 1 and everybody was laughing thanks to Sean (I'm not sure about the spelling) for noticing it on the receipt. Cheryl and I thought that was his real name (oops!) ;)

We met up with Jeremy, Sean and Hong Joon (Btw it sounds like a korean name) at Tutti Frutti. Nicole vandalised the magazine cover and Cheryl took a photo of it. Btw, if you wanna see any of the photos from this outing, please go to Cheryl's Blog. Just look at your right and clicked on "Cheryl Low".

We took a walk around the Tutti Frutti block and some of us felt bored. We dropped by at Mc D's and I bought my brother a set of McChicken. While Bernice and I were in McD's Kyleen went off without us. (Kyleen, if you are reading this, you'd better feel guilty!!)

Bernice, Cheryl and I walked back to my house at my lead. Aaron was the one who said that he would lead us back to my house but he ffk-ed. It's not a bad word ok for those who dunno what this means. FFK means 放飞机.

I think I will continue with my brownies so bye!XD

Friday, October 7, 2011

I'm In Love ♥♥♥

Yesterday was the last day of the first wave of PMR. I had a good time relaxing when I came back home. We watched an old movie--Nottinghill. It was well received by critics but I found it boring at first and ok after that. They have such lovely and soulful songs. The kind of music that the generation we are born is so beautiful!! I LOVE those songs. Boyzone's No Matter What, Shania Twain's You're The Way, etc. I knew those songs but I never knew the titles. My new resolution is to check out those old songs during the hols. I drifted away to Christian songs while checking out those songs yesterday. Hillsong is a very nice band. I even check out Sanctus Real but it's the noisy type. Quite nice, but not my type of music.

I wanted to blog yesterday but didnt get to. Anyway, I will like to give the honour to God that I'm not streesed out and having all those negative feelings, and I will want to thank him for everything. The questions for Science wasnt that bad, I managed to wake up early to study without the help of the alarm clock.

Yesterday I was a bit emo when I was pondering about the meaning of best friend. Best friend, is who you actually confide everything to, is someone who stand by you no matter what, and are always there for you. I realized sadly, that this is not the 'best friend' qualities that I can find in any human. While fiddling with the calculator, I realized, that God is the one. The bestest best friend anyone can have. But I dont think this is mutual because we are not really God's best friend, are we? We betray and disappoint Him again and again, I think we dont deserve to be His friend. Anyway, I managed to cheer up after that.

I read in Zoe's post that it isnt good to have music playing in our head during the exam. I find this happening to me though. I missed my piano, especially I'm bored after finishing the exam and staring blankly to space. My music teacher did encourage me to be a music teacher before, what with the flexible hours and all. The thing is, if I ever get myself involve in the music industry, I think I want to be a performer instead. Like Richard Glayderman and Yiruma? Piano is so common now I dont think anybody wants to fork out extra cash to watch a person playing the piano, but it's different for electone. The Japanese performers came to give an Electone concerts and they are really cool. The songs are VERY VERY NICE.

I thank God that we do not need to go to school today. Or else I will miss the cert. I prayed to God about it. Actually it isnt really about the cert, but this year I told myself I'm not gonna miss school this year, and I want to keep my word. I want to show myelf that I'm not a person who gives up easily. Thanks Bernice for informing me about it!

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and HOORAY!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I closed my door. I dunno how to describe the sound but it was quite loud. I was suprised. My brother was surprised. "What happened?" I asked. My brother went and inspected around my room, and we realised, to our horror, that the side of the door splitted!!!!

My door didnt fall apart or anything, it's just that one layer on one side of the door kind of come out. My dad came up to check, "I dunno youlah". My mum came and checked (much later on) and she said the same thing. I said aloud it was my brother's fault, but I know deep down I had a part in damaging the door too.

You see, when I annoyed my brother or something, I would quickly come up to my room for 'safety'. As I havent locked the door, the door faced both sides of pushing from me and my brother. We knew that there was a side effect on all this but still. My goodness, I feel so childish. But this is my blog, so I'm gonna let it out.

Oh, why did I keep playing and annoying my brother? I feel so guilty, so childish. My mum said we are just too much. This is so disappointing for them. I think I might have to pay for the bill if my dad is ever going to repair the door.

I think only this kind of thing will happen to me. I mean, who split their door from playing. Great, I hope my parents never will read this in this lifetime (They didint know the full story of why the door splitted). This is just too embarrassing=(

Ps There is this blood sucker in my room and I'm trying to kill it but it's just too fast. Watch out, you mosquito, I'm not gonna let you leave a scar on my leg and let you walk away.

PMR is just 2 days away. I feel so excited. When I told Yi Wah yesterday, she gave me a weird look. LOL=) But then later on she agreed with me and hope that PMR quickly comes and goes.

I'm going to school tmr and I hope I will be able to concentrate. I have a feeling that I will get disracted anyway in the library but to prove to myself that I can hold on to my principle, I'm still going to school.

Yesterday we ate out. I drank the black pepper soup and my throat felt really weird today. Thank God that after all the prayers, the fruits and the honey lemon juice mum prepared, I'm ok now. I didnt dare to eat the molasse biscuit because I'm scared it will scratch my throat. Mum joked that I'm like a lily flower.

I drank coconut juice! It was really nice but I didnt get to eat much of the flesh.

I find myself a bit hard to go and sleep now cuz I took a nap. Sleep was just too tempting when I was halfway studying. I mean, I was studying in my room and my bed was just next to me=) But with great perseverance, I managed to study finish Science today. I'm not scared of Science now compared to last week. I kept complaining about the subject then.

Anywayz, nights everybody!:)

Friday, September 30, 2011

I HEART My Piano!!

I just played my piano, and I feel so much relaxed now. I played songs that I like, korean songs, english songs.. I hope my neighbours who are sitting for PMR wont find me annoying cuz they might be studying, not like me, being lazy;)

Today was quite a fun day! Zoe the skin killer helped Cheryl write Jae Jin's name in Korean on her hand, drew 'The Poker' on Aaron's hand, drew lines on Min Yi's hand so that when he pushed his hand forward we can see how deep his skin can go between the bones (which is really cool, tho Kyleen, Cheryl and Bernice found it quite gross), and drew some lines and an 'F' on my hand. It's supposed to look like some super powers sign, and I made a story about knives flying out of my fingers and stabbing the victim and they fly back to my fingers after wiping themselves on the victim's body. Cheryl said I had so much imagination. Actually she was the victim we were talking about (Cheryl was being perasan and said it was her the knives hit when they came flying out of my fingers as she was sitting opposite me in the hall). Abbey then said she will come back and haunt me LOL.

We spent half the day in the hall. We arranged our chairs and tables cuz it will be where we are sitting for PMR. The teachers wished us luck. When Pn Teh was going to take the microphone, everybody clapped wildly. The 3 Dahlia's guys actually had a special clap for her and it was quite cool and sweet.

Monday is a school day so I will be going to school. I'm keeping a clean record this year so I want to continue to have full attendance. Bernice mentioned there's a cert which give me more the reason to go to school. I hope not many people will go to the library that day cuz we will be in the library the whole day and it will be packed. We got no class to go to=( Afternoon session and whatnots, keep out! (Just kidding:)

I think that's all for today. I'm gonna do some sc exercises now, bye!!


Thursday, September 29, 2011

A New Look?

En Ravi said there's spotcheck today, so I decided to tie my hair and give myself a new look. I tied my fringe japanese style, with Yong Le's help and hers and Cheryl's pin (mine's too small). I still dunno how to, and I'm gonna learn! There was really a spotcheck and the teachers were strict they actually cut some of the students' hair!

Pn Faridah gave a speech today and said we should be staying away from handphones, facebook, and yet I'm still here blogging.. Cant help missing my blog, can I??

So, today we got a free pencil case and a LRT ticket though it's only one-way.. I dunno whether it can be used for the Tmn Bahagia station or not, if cant I think I might give it away, after I ask my parents, that is.

We had a gotong-royong and our class did quite a good job of cleaning the classroom=) The guys wiped the fans till it was very clean. Some of the girls helped to clean the window. The water was black, and I helped to get clean water. Shafilah and the others took the decorations down:(

Oh, and Zoe got back her drawings which she lent to teacher in the beginning of the year. I liked her Emma Watson drawing the most, it's really nice. She looked very real and awesome!

I'm gonna do BM now so, ciao! =0

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Believe In You And No One Else

I know that in half a month all this will be over. I know that in the mean time I will do my best and you will do the rest. I know I do not need to be afraid because you will always be with me. I know that you will help me achieve my dreams if I really put in the effort. (I'm talking about God, not my blog)

All the same, I do still feel a bit worried. And I hope PMR quickly comes and goes. I'm sick of tired and studying. I missed the 1st episode of Fugitive Plan B acted by Rain becuase I was busy doing science! AAAAHHHHHH! How could I missed it? No, this cannot be happening!

EEEEEEEEE...... Ah well, never mind. I managed to watch 1 HK drama but that was before I know my dad recorded the korean series. Or else I would have saved it for the latter.

My mum bought coconut juice and spent 5 something on it. She said it's quite expensive but yet worth it at the same time because it's very healthy. It was quite a big coconut. And she bought it in a packet so the whole family shared. It's very nice!

Oh by the way I remembered the name of the western restaurant I went yesterday. It's called Euro Deli.

I dont know why, but everytime when exam comes I always get hooked onto something, and I mean it in a bad way. For example for mid-year, I got hooked onto Archie Comics. Trials worse, I wasnt that hooked onto Archie Comics but I ended up watching tv also! Now for PMR, I'm here blogging.

I think I better continue with my science or I'm gona sleep very late. Bye!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Heavy Dinner (VERY)

We decided to eat out to celebrate my grandfather's birthday, which happens to fall later this week. We ate at a restaurant which serves Swiss-German cuisine. Their sausages are made of real meat, so it's really very expensive. My dad, uncle and grandparents ordered theis main course which consist of sausages and some side dish eg brocolli. I ordered a cheese and mushroom burger, my brother ordered pork chop, my mum ordered chicken chop and I don't know what my cousins ordered (one of them only remembered the number but forgot what dish he ordered while the other one is just 6 years old, so I don't think they know what they were eating either. Ok, maybe I'm just exaggerating).

We had desert too! My brother and I shared the apple pie with ice cream on top while the adults ordered a blackforest cake and my cousins ate ice-cream. The thing is, I only remembered  I wanted to take photos of the food when I was eating the main course. By then, I got my hands dirty already so I vowed to myself that in the future when I go travelling I will take photos of all the food I eat.

By the way, my mum spent the whole morning baking muffins and cake. So for those who are reading my blog eg Kyleen and Zoe, I will be bringing some extra food to share! That makes it something to look forward to next week right? XP

Just now in chinese tuition, we had an exam for paper 2. I dont know why, but the more I write the more inspired I got. Yet when I write essay at home, I'm basically out of ideas and have to check the answers to get some inspiration of what to write. I think it's the peace and quiet, and also perhaps the pressure too?

My mum is getting more active in the Bible Study group so now she's trying yo influence us to be more active too. She wants me and my dad to go for cell group and my dad gave excuses of going one step by one step.

I think that's all I want to say to you, my beloved blog. Gotta continue with my trial exercises. My goodness this is so tiring, exercises after exercises!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

What's Life, Really?

I feel like I have been just too busy this year, studying and studying for PMR. Sure, i had a good time with friends, I learned new things, but I felt I put in too much time in studying. Well, maybe it's an improvement of last year when I practically really waste my whole year not doing anything..

I'm glad it's 2 more weeks to PMR. Everything will be over by then. I will think of what I really want in life, what I want to be, that kind of stuff. I will not spend too much time studying next year definitely, whether I want to or not because I have 2 major piano exams coming up then. I have to make sure I pass or I will have to resit again in Form 5, and it will be really mega pressuring.

I have been a disappointment to my piano teacher this year. I did not practise much this year so naturally my piano became worse. I thought I could pass the fundamental yamaha exam which I sat in June but I was just two marks away from passing. My dad had to pay the same total amount of money just to resit that particular section only, which actually happen to be my singing. I like singing, but preferabbly when everybody is singing together like in church or something. My singing turns naturally bad when I had to sing all by myself.

I watched this Bread, Love and Dreams, a Korean drama and today is the last episode in 8tv. I should follow the leading guy's positive attitude and never ever give up, when everything seems like it is lost. The next drama replacing this series will be acted by Rain, I cant remember the title but I know there will be some action and fighting in it. Oh man, I wanna watch that series!!!

Sometimes, when a person is so focused on his goal, and so motivated to reach it, he has to give up something. Perhaps, the time, relationship with God, etc. Slow down, and think, is what you are giving up really worth the goal  you are trying to achieve?

 I have been chasing my goal throughout this year, which is by studying super hard. I've never studied that hard before in my life, truth to be told. Now, I feel like I'm missing something, which is peace. My mind is thinking about studying everyday. I mean, I'm not super stress or anything, it's just everyday I had to spend some time studying that I feel like I waste a lot of time if I dont do so.

Next year, I will be more active in co-curricular activities eg debate, cf, and maybe join one sport and actually attend it. Academic is not everything, and it;s starting to eat me up.

Thank you God, for everything.  

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Its OVA!!!

Trials are finally over today! I'm gonna relax this holiday and enjoy as much as I canXD

Zoe kept talking about Radiohead so I decided to check out that band now since I'm free. If you like emo songs, this is the band. I just heard  No Surprise and Paranoid Android. It's ok but not exactly my taste...

Boys Over Flowers  is on tv now again!!! This is my 2nd time watching it and it's realy funny (the beginning). Its quite addictive to watch so yeah..

My goodness I never knew they had 4 additional episodes for Boys Over Flowers. Its not season 2 which I thought it was though..

Boys Over Flowers now on 8tv at 5pm :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Yay I just finish my geo project!!!

I had to redo some part becuz Pn Surita last minute told us the details and yeah.. Anyway, we had fun in school today. About 30 ppl in my class came. I saw dunno which form 4 class only 7 ppl came lol=)

Listening to some korean songs at the moment. I didnt kno Pn Teh (our mths teacher) actually like korean!! She was tlkin about KBS world and say korean guys are handsome lol:) Korean guys actually have very cool hairstyles that I actually thought of keeping them too=)

OOps.. I jst realise I 4got 2 buy yi wah a present!! OH no I dunno what to buy for her.. It has been a week already.. AH Im so bored...