Friday, November 11, 2011

Those Kindergarten Days...

I was feeling very restless and bored so I decided to watch the Tadika Grace's Annual Graduation and Concert 2002.

I was so surprised that quite a few people I know at TMN SEA were from Tadika Grace. Eg Aaron Tan (frm my class), Min Yi, Emily Yip, Wei Ning, Ho Jen Wai (Dunno is it the one from our school or not, but then not many people go by that name so maybe it is). Bernice, I saw you too!! Then there are some from my primary school who were from Tadika Grace eg Eunice Ngooi, Wan Qing and Tomoko Chai. I knew Yi Ling from our school is also from Tadika Grace. There are others but I cant remember them at the moment.

Talking about kindergarten, I cant really remember anything from those days. I only remember some friends, maybe a few punishments (some I was asking for it, eg when I didnt finish my homework) and some disagreements among friends. Ah well, when we were younger, we were friends for one day, then for some unknown reason, we were not, then dunno why, we started to talk to each other again. Or at least it happened to me...

I remembered some occasional stuff I did and was quite embarassed with them after that. I wrote a letter to my favourite teacher and she read it in front of the whole class. It was really random stuff I wrote to her. I said I liked that teacher, and I remembered I wrote something about a bag. I wonder whether she still kept the letter or not. Then there was this case my friend and I called a certain teacher stupid (I dunno why I'm writing this, but whatever). This friend of mine told me the next day her mother said we shouldnt call teachers stupid, and she told the teacher we called stupid behind her back that I called the teacher stupid. Come on, I was a kid, dont even know anything really. I got scolding from the teacher of course. I did cry later on.

Once when my grandfather was late to fetch me, my favourite teacher stayed back with me and let me eat a bit of her food. I think it was loh mai kai. I also remember once when the whole class made a lot of noise except the group I was in while the teacher was busy talking with someone outside, the teacher was very angry when she came back. She punished us and the group who made the most noise was the 2nd to go back. Our group, whom are so innocent, was the last to go back. I think we cried.

Kindergarten days were fun, we didnt really think and ponder much, so life was quite simple then. Now as we grow up we tend to think and ponder too much, life gets a bit complicated.

I'm gonna continue watching the annual graduation and concert cuz I wanna see my performance.

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