Friday, September 30, 2011

I HEART My Piano!!

I just played my piano, and I feel so much relaxed now. I played songs that I like, korean songs, english songs.. I hope my neighbours who are sitting for PMR wont find me annoying cuz they might be studying, not like me, being lazy;)

Today was quite a fun day! Zoe the skin killer helped Cheryl write Jae Jin's name in Korean on her hand, drew 'The Poker' on Aaron's hand, drew lines on Min Yi's hand so that when he pushed his hand forward we can see how deep his skin can go between the bones (which is really cool, tho Kyleen, Cheryl and Bernice found it quite gross), and drew some lines and an 'F' on my hand. It's supposed to look like some super powers sign, and I made a story about knives flying out of my fingers and stabbing the victim and they fly back to my fingers after wiping themselves on the victim's body. Cheryl said I had so much imagination. Actually she was the victim we were talking about (Cheryl was being perasan and said it was her the knives hit when they came flying out of my fingers as she was sitting opposite me in the hall). Abbey then said she will come back and haunt me LOL.

We spent half the day in the hall. We arranged our chairs and tables cuz it will be where we are sitting for PMR. The teachers wished us luck. When Pn Teh was going to take the microphone, everybody clapped wildly. The 3 Dahlia's guys actually had a special clap for her and it was quite cool and sweet.

Monday is a school day so I will be going to school. I'm keeping a clean record this year so I want to continue to have full attendance. Bernice mentioned there's a cert which give me more the reason to go to school. I hope not many people will go to the library that day cuz we will be in the library the whole day and it will be packed. We got no class to go to=( Afternoon session and whatnots, keep out! (Just kidding:)

I think that's all for today. I'm gonna do some sc exercises now, bye!!


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