Sunday, October 2, 2011


I closed my door. I dunno how to describe the sound but it was quite loud. I was suprised. My brother was surprised. "What happened?" I asked. My brother went and inspected around my room, and we realised, to our horror, that the side of the door splitted!!!!

My door didnt fall apart or anything, it's just that one layer on one side of the door kind of come out. My dad came up to check, "I dunno youlah". My mum came and checked (much later on) and she said the same thing. I said aloud it was my brother's fault, but I know deep down I had a part in damaging the door too.

You see, when I annoyed my brother or something, I would quickly come up to my room for 'safety'. As I havent locked the door, the door faced both sides of pushing from me and my brother. We knew that there was a side effect on all this but still. My goodness, I feel so childish. But this is my blog, so I'm gonna let it out.

Oh, why did I keep playing and annoying my brother? I feel so guilty, so childish. My mum said we are just too much. This is so disappointing for them. I think I might have to pay for the bill if my dad is ever going to repair the door.

I think only this kind of thing will happen to me. I mean, who split their door from playing. Great, I hope my parents never will read this in this lifetime (They didint know the full story of why the door splitted). This is just too embarrassing=(

Ps There is this blood sucker in my room and I'm trying to kill it but it's just too fast. Watch out, you mosquito, I'm not gonna let you leave a scar on my leg and let you walk away.

PMR is just 2 days away. I feel so excited. When I told Yi Wah yesterday, she gave me a weird look. LOL=) But then later on she agreed with me and hope that PMR quickly comes and goes.

I'm going to school tmr and I hope I will be able to concentrate. I have a feeling that I will get disracted anyway in the library but to prove to myself that I can hold on to my principle, I'm still going to school.

Yesterday we ate out. I drank the black pepper soup and my throat felt really weird today. Thank God that after all the prayers, the fruits and the honey lemon juice mum prepared, I'm ok now. I didnt dare to eat the molasse biscuit because I'm scared it will scratch my throat. Mum joked that I'm like a lily flower.

I drank coconut juice! It was really nice but I didnt get to eat much of the flesh.

I find myself a bit hard to go and sleep now cuz I took a nap. Sleep was just too tempting when I was halfway studying. I mean, I was studying in my room and my bed was just next to me=) But with great perseverance, I managed to study finish Science today. I'm not scared of Science now compared to last week. I kept complaining about the subject then.

Anywayz, nights everybody!:)

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