Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Bernice, Cheryl and I are now at my house now. We went to Tutti Frutti after school. We met Cheryl on the way to my house. We (Me, Cheryl, Bernice, Zoe, Kyleen, Nicole, Aaron) then walked together back to my house. Zoe, Aaron and I changed. When we were walking on the way to Tutti Frutti, we saw Wan Teng's gang. Zheng Yi was teasing Aaron cuz he was the only guy with us and he teased back Wan Teng cuz she was the only girl with her gang.:)

Today is Zoe's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, the yogurt ice-cream was kinda expensive. I shared mine with Cheryl. It was lady's day so we have 15% discount. The guy at the counter is called Clerk 1 and everybody was laughing thanks to Sean (I'm not sure about the spelling) for noticing it on the receipt. Cheryl and I thought that was his real name (oops!) ;)

We met up with Jeremy, Sean and Hong Joon (Btw it sounds like a korean name) at Tutti Frutti. Nicole vandalised the magazine cover and Cheryl took a photo of it. Btw, if you wanna see any of the photos from this outing, please go to Cheryl's Blog. Just look at your right and clicked on "Cheryl Low".

We took a walk around the Tutti Frutti block and some of us felt bored. We dropped by at Mc D's and I bought my brother a set of McChicken. While Bernice and I were in McD's Kyleen went off without us. (Kyleen, if you are reading this, you'd better feel guilty!!)

Bernice, Cheryl and I walked back to my house at my lead. Aaron was the one who said that he would lead us back to my house but he ffk-ed. It's not a bad word ok for those who dunno what this means. FFK means 放飞机.

I think I will continue with my brownies so bye!XD

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