Friday, September 30, 2011

I HEART My Piano!!

I just played my piano, and I feel so much relaxed now. I played songs that I like, korean songs, english songs.. I hope my neighbours who are sitting for PMR wont find me annoying cuz they might be studying, not like me, being lazy;)

Today was quite a fun day! Zoe the skin killer helped Cheryl write Jae Jin's name in Korean on her hand, drew 'The Poker' on Aaron's hand, drew lines on Min Yi's hand so that when he pushed his hand forward we can see how deep his skin can go between the bones (which is really cool, tho Kyleen, Cheryl and Bernice found it quite gross), and drew some lines and an 'F' on my hand. It's supposed to look like some super powers sign, and I made a story about knives flying out of my fingers and stabbing the victim and they fly back to my fingers after wiping themselves on the victim's body. Cheryl said I had so much imagination. Actually she was the victim we were talking about (Cheryl was being perasan and said it was her the knives hit when they came flying out of my fingers as she was sitting opposite me in the hall). Abbey then said she will come back and haunt me LOL.

We spent half the day in the hall. We arranged our chairs and tables cuz it will be where we are sitting for PMR. The teachers wished us luck. When Pn Teh was going to take the microphone, everybody clapped wildly. The 3 Dahlia's guys actually had a special clap for her and it was quite cool and sweet.

Monday is a school day so I will be going to school. I'm keeping a clean record this year so I want to continue to have full attendance. Bernice mentioned there's a cert which give me more the reason to go to school. I hope not many people will go to the library that day cuz we will be in the library the whole day and it will be packed. We got no class to go to=( Afternoon session and whatnots, keep out! (Just kidding:)

I think that's all for today. I'm gonna do some sc exercises now, bye!!


Thursday, September 29, 2011

A New Look?

En Ravi said there's spotcheck today, so I decided to tie my hair and give myself a new look. I tied my fringe japanese style, with Yong Le's help and hers and Cheryl's pin (mine's too small). I still dunno how to, and I'm gonna learn! There was really a spotcheck and the teachers were strict they actually cut some of the students' hair!

Pn Faridah gave a speech today and said we should be staying away from handphones, facebook, and yet I'm still here blogging.. Cant help missing my blog, can I??

So, today we got a free pencil case and a LRT ticket though it's only one-way.. I dunno whether it can be used for the Tmn Bahagia station or not, if cant I think I might give it away, after I ask my parents, that is.

We had a gotong-royong and our class did quite a good job of cleaning the classroom=) The guys wiped the fans till it was very clean. Some of the girls helped to clean the window. The water was black, and I helped to get clean water. Shafilah and the others took the decorations down:(

Oh, and Zoe got back her drawings which she lent to teacher in the beginning of the year. I liked her Emma Watson drawing the most, it's really nice. She looked very real and awesome!

I'm gonna do BM now so, ciao! =0

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Believe In You And No One Else

I know that in half a month all this will be over. I know that in the mean time I will do my best and you will do the rest. I know I do not need to be afraid because you will always be with me. I know that you will help me achieve my dreams if I really put in the effort. (I'm talking about God, not my blog)

All the same, I do still feel a bit worried. And I hope PMR quickly comes and goes. I'm sick of tired and studying. I missed the 1st episode of Fugitive Plan B acted by Rain becuase I was busy doing science! AAAAHHHHHH! How could I missed it? No, this cannot be happening!

EEEEEEEEE...... Ah well, never mind. I managed to watch 1 HK drama but that was before I know my dad recorded the korean series. Or else I would have saved it for the latter.

My mum bought coconut juice and spent 5 something on it. She said it's quite expensive but yet worth it at the same time because it's very healthy. It was quite a big coconut. And she bought it in a packet so the whole family shared. It's very nice!

Oh by the way I remembered the name of the western restaurant I went yesterday. It's called Euro Deli.

I dont know why, but everytime when exam comes I always get hooked onto something, and I mean it in a bad way. For example for mid-year, I got hooked onto Archie Comics. Trials worse, I wasnt that hooked onto Archie Comics but I ended up watching tv also! Now for PMR, I'm here blogging.

I think I better continue with my science or I'm gona sleep very late. Bye!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Heavy Dinner (VERY)

We decided to eat out to celebrate my grandfather's birthday, which happens to fall later this week. We ate at a restaurant which serves Swiss-German cuisine. Their sausages are made of real meat, so it's really very expensive. My dad, uncle and grandparents ordered theis main course which consist of sausages and some side dish eg brocolli. I ordered a cheese and mushroom burger, my brother ordered pork chop, my mum ordered chicken chop and I don't know what my cousins ordered (one of them only remembered the number but forgot what dish he ordered while the other one is just 6 years old, so I don't think they know what they were eating either. Ok, maybe I'm just exaggerating).

We had desert too! My brother and I shared the apple pie with ice cream on top while the adults ordered a blackforest cake and my cousins ate ice-cream. The thing is, I only remembered  I wanted to take photos of the food when I was eating the main course. By then, I got my hands dirty already so I vowed to myself that in the future when I go travelling I will take photos of all the food I eat.

By the way, my mum spent the whole morning baking muffins and cake. So for those who are reading my blog eg Kyleen and Zoe, I will be bringing some extra food to share! That makes it something to look forward to next week right? XP

Just now in chinese tuition, we had an exam for paper 2. I dont know why, but the more I write the more inspired I got. Yet when I write essay at home, I'm basically out of ideas and have to check the answers to get some inspiration of what to write. I think it's the peace and quiet, and also perhaps the pressure too?

My mum is getting more active in the Bible Study group so now she's trying yo influence us to be more active too. She wants me and my dad to go for cell group and my dad gave excuses of going one step by one step.

I think that's all I want to say to you, my beloved blog. Gotta continue with my trial exercises. My goodness this is so tiring, exercises after exercises!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

What's Life, Really?

I feel like I have been just too busy this year, studying and studying for PMR. Sure, i had a good time with friends, I learned new things, but I felt I put in too much time in studying. Well, maybe it's an improvement of last year when I practically really waste my whole year not doing anything..

I'm glad it's 2 more weeks to PMR. Everything will be over by then. I will think of what I really want in life, what I want to be, that kind of stuff. I will not spend too much time studying next year definitely, whether I want to or not because I have 2 major piano exams coming up then. I have to make sure I pass or I will have to resit again in Form 5, and it will be really mega pressuring.

I have been a disappointment to my piano teacher this year. I did not practise much this year so naturally my piano became worse. I thought I could pass the fundamental yamaha exam which I sat in June but I was just two marks away from passing. My dad had to pay the same total amount of money just to resit that particular section only, which actually happen to be my singing. I like singing, but preferabbly when everybody is singing together like in church or something. My singing turns naturally bad when I had to sing all by myself.

I watched this Bread, Love and Dreams, a Korean drama and today is the last episode in 8tv. I should follow the leading guy's positive attitude and never ever give up, when everything seems like it is lost. The next drama replacing this series will be acted by Rain, I cant remember the title but I know there will be some action and fighting in it. Oh man, I wanna watch that series!!!

Sometimes, when a person is so focused on his goal, and so motivated to reach it, he has to give up something. Perhaps, the time, relationship with God, etc. Slow down, and think, is what you are giving up really worth the goal  you are trying to achieve?

 I have been chasing my goal throughout this year, which is by studying super hard. I've never studied that hard before in my life, truth to be told. Now, I feel like I'm missing something, which is peace. My mind is thinking about studying everyday. I mean, I'm not super stress or anything, it's just everyday I had to spend some time studying that I feel like I waste a lot of time if I dont do so.

Next year, I will be more active in co-curricular activities eg debate, cf, and maybe join one sport and actually attend it. Academic is not everything, and it;s starting to eat me up.

Thank you God, for everything.