Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Busy Week

I just came bck frm Kuching last nite. We were waiting for our plane at the airport since 5pm to buy tickets. We were suppose to depart at 7.10pm but the plane was delayed! Anywayz we reached home at 11 pm and i was dead tired. So its like 6 hrs doing nothing except reading and sleeping :)

Kuching was great! Its really advanceand clean. There are lots of cat statues. We went to the Sarawak Cultural Village at Santubong and we got to see the houses the tribes lived in last time. It was really a hot day and i was glad when we get to go into the air-conditioned theatre. The people performed tribe dances. I fell asleep halfway cuz it was too comfy=)

We also went to see the orang utans. Dad took quite a lot of photos but I'm lazy to upload here. We went to explore Wind Cave and Fairy Cave too! In Fairy Cave, the steps are steep and wet. So gotta be careful when exploring.

The Sarawak laksa there is good! And the Kolok Mee is delicious!! Theres not many indian food here tho. I only saw 1 Indian restaurant here. And the prices here are about the same as KL. Cuz we chose tour, everything is included in the package already. Food, lodging, etc. The thing is, the restaurants we went for meals kept serving the same type of food. Of cuz they served their best but when u eat basically the same food u get sick of it. For example, the restaurants always serve the soup that is usually cooked with the egg white and seaweed. Some are kinda starchy so it aint really nice. But so far oklah. They have this special vege only found in East Malaysia cuz i never see this vege sold here b4. I dunno wats the name of the vege tho.

B4 I went Kuching, I attended this LawrenceWalterSeminars' Art of Learning. It took place at Tropicana Golf Club. The food there's kinda nice btw :D I really had fun during the session. We do lots of running (to get points) and play games. I attended this seminar b4 but I went again to refresh my memory. The speaker is U2 Kumar. He's the master trainer of AOL-Art of Learning. He taught us lots of stuff. For eg, VISUALIZE facts instead of just studying and studying. Then u shud always be POSITIVE cuz the brain cnt take in negative stuff. For example if ur little sis or bro is crying and ur tellling them NOT TO cry, they'll cry louder right? Cuz they only heard the word "cry" and not the "NOT TO". Make sense?

I felt really inspired and motivated. The thing is, if u want something, u must really be commited to it. Nothing can stop u frm achieving what u want. YEAH! Lol, talk too much abt all these theory, hope those who read this post wont get bored!=)

  There, this is the logo! Some ppl came for this seminar frm faraway places. Some came frm Putrajaya, Subang Jaya, etc. I met new frens there too. I hope i'll get to attend this seminar again.

                                      This is the speaker, U2 Kumar

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Yesterday I went 1U with my mum cuz we wanted to go POPULAR to buy books:) Mum made a member card a month ago so we can get discount. We bought 2 bks 4 only RM23 its kinda cheap=) We went to eat japanese food (I LOVE jap food XD) at Nippon sth (I cnt rmmbr the full name) and the food is real nice. They havent cook white rice so they serve garlic rice at the same price.

It was my dad's birthday two days ago. We bought 2 slices of Secret Recipe's cake. I dun really like the golden nugget tho. Mum and I went to the MPPJ library so we just drop by at Secret Recipe's. Mum complained the weather was really hot so we bought ice-cream at McD. We wanted mix but they dun have so we chose chocalate. When we saw the price was 3 ringgit sth we thought that d price had increased. But no, it wasnt. They dipped the regular cone (the 1 with vanilla) on the hot chocolate cream so it was like the inner layer is vanilla and the outer layer chocolate, if you know what i mean. So it was more expensivelah. The ice-cream was delicious but the thing was it kept leaking. The chocalate cream was hot so the ice-cream melt faster.

I am so bored... Maybe I'll go blogwalking. Bye!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Michaela Wallace - Justin Bieber's Girlfriend (Official Music Video) - T...

Ok, this is the official song... Not the last post.. sorry:(

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Making Of Justin Bieber's Girlfriend Part 1 - XBOX with JUSTIN!

This is a great song! Justin Bieber's fans, dun get jealous XD U gotta admit this girl has a good voice, and she's only 14 years old!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Its December already!!! :-O

The photos are out! The ones taken during the outing in 1U..

(A few minutes later)
Since I'm lazy to wait for the browsing, pls go check out I uploaded them there already.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Spread ur wings...n FLY

I just updated THE DAYS OF THE EIGHTS n now i feel so lazy.....

I am quite hooked on Archie lately dat I spent more time reading d comics then readin story books. As 4 d outing, I hven upload the photos so another timelah. Everybody came except Zoe. Shu Wen came n i really appreaciate her presence cuz if not 4 her we'll be spending lots of time lookin at d directory than enjoyin ourselves;) She's like our guide n yeah, d outing was fun.

1stly, yee li picked us up n sent us 2 yi wah's hse. We lazed aronud (n ate a small bitter chocalate=) then we were off! We brought along yi wah's jackfruit flavoured keropok (i tink) n ate quite a few. We picked shu wen up then we dropped by at lydion's. Lydion managed to make it. So, u can imagine the 7 of us, i correct, 8 of us including yi wah's mum squashing like sardins in the MyV. So we sat in out in outlah.=) Abbey came later cuz we told her to come at 12 o clock as we need to stall time to buy her bday present.

Then, we went 1U. We saw some frens like Ryan frm our schol n some ex-Taman Megah classmates(Cheryl n Elsa were frm dat schol) I oso saw Emily frm Puay Chai n I was suprised. She looked diff cuz she dressed really matured, u no, with d make-up n all.

So, we chipped in n bought 2 bks frm MPH n a slice of choc cake frm Secret Recipe's.

We walked around 1U 4 8hrs=( Really tiring... D most I walked was 4-5 hrs......But it was quite fun n i tink i ate quite a lot. C u all some time soon!

                                            Time flies B-)

Monday, November 15, 2010


Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored.

This sunday, will be Abbey's and Lay Mun's birthday! I 4got to give Lay Mun her present, so I guess I'll give it next year. Out-ing! Out-ing! Out-ing! Cnt wait 4 this sat 2 come. I guess I wont be goin 2 church on sat then. Maybe on sun....

Ah, wat elsle? Oh! DUMC has this MADWORLD contempory dance and I wanna go! Its on fri, 3rd Dec at 8 pm, sun 5th Dec 3 o clock n another 1 on 8 pm.

There's this XYZ camp in Dec also but I'm not really interested in going. Dad suggested I invite a few frens n go together but I felt theres no point becuz our schol also has cf camp n d location is at Peacehaven also. But I'll ask lah. 4 fun.

 This Wed is a public hol but VERY UNFORTUNATELY, I hv tuition. This is very bad thing. My whole family is holiday-ing but me-go tuition. Learn maths. Sharks:(

I feel like eating ice-cream all of a sudden. But there's no ice-cream in d freezer!

 Hmm, I wonder how r u suppose 2 eat this kinda ice-cream? XP

Friday, November 12, 2010

Zoe's House

I went to zoe's hse aftr lunck at Kayu's. I ate mutton again.. Everytime I go KAYU sure makan mutton wan.. Gotta chge dat habit. So, Ly Dion oso went to Zoe;s hse n it was FUN!!

We played musical instruments then basically use d laptop after dat. Zoe's sis is really talented. She listened to Hachiko's "Goodbye" like a few times oni and she can play in d piano d. Of cuz, Zoe is oso talented. Listened to her played d guitar jst nw.. Ly dion brought her laptop 2dy so yeah... we use d com after fellin tired playin d musical instruments.

Some pics dat I took:

                                          Thats Ly Dion trying to hide from my camera lensXD

                                                           I kinda look wierd here:(
                                              I like this photo betta. LyDion is smilin!

                                             Zoe and I trying to take each other's picture lolXP

                                                                   Zoe's sis, Rachel

That's all 4 nw, bye!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Yay hols r cmin! but i'l miss every1 nx year might not be in d same class anymore....:(

For now, its boring, boring, boring, in schol. Gotta go dewan all d time to wtch some stuoid movie. Like on mon we went to hear d speech abt preventing crime from d police, it was so long... and boring... But at least we know how ppl stealcars. They jst hv 2 put some ruler or sth into d rubber on d window and *cheak* d door is open! So smart!

Yesterday d "Shorts" is so stupid. Almost went to sleep. But d cats and dogs is oklah. Though I got a headache after dat cuz i was straining my neck. D movie is vry fake but kinda funny.

Today i tink we'll get our report crd. Aiyoh if theres RKA then we can go bck home early and dun nd go dewan. Wastting time oni wan..

I feel sad at d tot of goin form 3.. Hv to wake up so early, then gotta sit 4 pmr d... Damn sad:(

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Yes!! hols strtin nx wk!! That's good news. Bad news: time flies so fast it'd probably be in a blink of eye and it's 2011 d..

*sobs* I'l miss this year... In fact i'm strtin to miss my youthful days.. AH!!! I DUN WAN TO GET OLD.  I cnt believe its d end of 2010 d... Time flies.. YIKES!

This week, I had tasted quite lots of good FOOD. Yeah, FOOD! LolsXP  Like I said in my lst post, we went to eat in ITALIANNIES in 1U. The food is very good. We ordered quite a lot of food. They gave free bread thats suppose to be eaten with olive oil. then theres another dish consistin of bread with tomatoes as d topping, fish, chicken, 2 diff types of pasta, and.. pizza! I felt bloated after eating. I actually wanna order d lasagna but d waiter say dun hv d.. I felt really dissapointed cuz I never tasted lasagna b4. And its expensive. 30 over bucks for 1 dish.

Then yesterday my mum brought us to McDonald. D 1 near Gayithiri's hse. They renovated d place and it loos real cool now. I told my dad so but he replied dat d food stil taste d same anyway=) The usual RM5.95 set has expire d i guess... We ordered d spicy chicken set since theres no GCB to my dissapointment again. Hven tried dat yet...

Lastly, just now, my mum made pizza 4 dinner! She came bck like around 7 o' clock and we were VERY VERY HUNGRY already. She went to visit my grandfather cuz d pastor wanna talk to him (he just converted to be Christian) and since my dad and bro could not bear thier hunger any longer, they ate grondnutsXD

Mum put cheese, meat, onions, pineapple, tomato sauce on d dough and dats our homemade pizza! Mum had to specially make a diff 1 for my bro cuz he doesnt like onions and pineapples. So I bet my brother happylah, no need to eat vege, what a treatXP

Bck 2 schol tmr after a long holiday of Deepavali festival. Though it will be onie a week and then pur schol break!! Sigh again, I dun wanna go form 3.. I hope I wil be in the same class with one of my friends... Still, it wont be the same as this year anymore... Niwayz, nites!  

Friday, October 29, 2010


Exam is over finally so no more studying, no more pressure, no more boredom, no more doodling(dats wat i do during exam) and now.... FREEDOM!!!

Now we can celebrate!! Wanna watch movies and now i can use d com as long as i wan! Of cuz, i stil gotta compete with my bro cuz he luvs 2 play d com...

I suggested to my parents dat i wanna eat Italian food to celebrate and mum said ok so YAY!!! I luv italian food to the scenery and d country(though i hven been there b4)

Wanna go sleep d kinda tired so buh-bye, blog!(and to those who's reading my blog!)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day by Day...

I so love Big Bang now... This is such a nice and catchy song. Though quite sad:(
Introduced by Zoe. She's right. It's a very very very nice song

Oops, btw this song is called Haru Haru.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Malaysian English vs British English

I came across this and found it really funny. Soi tot of sharing it though actually it's frm some1's blog=_=

Malaysian English vs British English

Monday, September 13, 2010


First of all, I went to penang with my family last friday!!

Penang aka the heaven of good food really is a suitable place to stay if you wanna try out delicious food. The food is also sold at quite a reasonable price:)

Some of the nice food I managed to grab a photo of:

Ais Kacang @ Restoran Joo Hui

Asam Laksa @ Restoran Joo Hui

Hmm, I think dat's d only photos of food dat I only bothered to take down.. Nvr mind I took some photos of d scenery and some restaurans too:


scenery (taken by my dad) along Gurney Drive

                                          scenery (taken by me) along Gurney Drive

a random restaurant along Gurney Drive that has an interesting banner

                           My family and I dined at this restaurant at our 2nd  (and lst) nite in penang

Basically, all these restaurants are within walking distance from our hotel so we walked mostly instead of driving:-/

On our first day in penang, we actually walked for almost half an hour to dine at the food court somewhere within the area where the hotel we were staying at was located for dinner, and when we were walking back to the hotel, it was so unfortunate the weather decided it was time to drizzle so we had to walk faster to reach the hotel.

The Gurney Hotel, where we stayed in Penang for the last few days, is quite a comfortable place to live in.

There's only 2 beds though

                    And they have lots of can drinks in the fridge charged 3 times the original price
                                                            that's by brother btw:)

That's a satisfactory trip for 3 days in Penang. Then today, we went to watch Inception in Midvalley!! We got free movie tickets so we went to watch Inception. Dad wanted to watch Resident Evil at first but since it's 18, and my brother is too young to look like he's 18, we opted for Inception. Dad picked the seats at the 3rd row from the screen so when the movie ended, I kinda hv a headache and backache(I sound like an old woman) :(

We went to Ipoh Chicken Rice Restaurant (the row of shops near the Taman Bahagia parking lot) and I can smell the nice and sweet smell of sauce. The rice has a nice smell t it too. My brother ate almost 3 bowls of rice and dad said he'll have a stomachache cuz usually he dun eat dat uch at home. Sure enuf, he did have a stomachache.
This is a really long post. Niwayz, I'm tired d. Gotta go hv some sleep. Now I'm back to reality and gotta strt stdyin tmr d.. Sigh.. Thank God the exams are postponed or I'll be dead

Monday, September 6, 2010


Before the hols, I was so excited that hols r cmin. But now.... bored, bored, bored.

Cnt use the com for long, have to study d. Bye...

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Guess wat? I sprained my ankle again. N in a very lame way too=_=

It happened yesteray durin cf.. I was sittin on the floor, tryin to get up, n OW! I felt something crack( i think) n I decided not to get up cuz it reaaaaaally hurt.. The pins and needles must have numb my leg and somehow I sprained my ankle just by trying to get up. Even the doctor cant believe me. He taught me:
R- Rest
I-   Ice
C-  Compress
E-  Elevate 
He told me to remember what he taught me cuz I'm always spraining my ankle. Hah!

I felt this is really fate. The last time when I sprained my ankle I didnt heal completely so I guess God gave me the opportunity to sprain my ankle so I can see the doc and this time hope that my ankle can heal completely, if u know wat I mean.

It's another way of lookin at things and be optimistic, I guess

  Have a happy holiday to everyone!!

Monday, August 30, 2010


I just realize that most of my frens h8 durians. No one wanna come near d durian cakes. I end up eatin most of it myself. But thank God Cheryl and Lai Yee(is it d correct spelling?) helped ate some.

No perhimpunan 2dy thanks 2 d rain. It shud rain more often at the rite time lyk on mon afternoon so we cn skip assembly instead of rainin when we shud be hvin pjk.

Tmr i'm goin 2 zoe's hse 2 do dat stupid sewin proj thing and i'm gonna finis it once n 4 all. Seriously, we've been doin for mths and i onie did until the sleeve that stage. I hope i cn finis within 2 hrs cuz i'm goin 'makan' after that.

The Four theme song

I'm so in love with the somg...Its so nice...Kinda stuck in my head 4 nw..
This is a cantonese song(Im sure all of you will be thinking "this is not my taste, seriously" but just give it a try, will ya?) Enjoy:)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Durian Cake

Yummmy! Mu mum made a durian cake 2dy (she use real durians as part of d ingredients, of cuz) and we had it 4 supper. With my dad, my bro and I, we literally swallowed a quater of it. I'm gonna bring some 2 schol tmr. YES!!!

The Ending

After a few weeks, I watched finish "The Four" and.................
well, the ending is a little sad. There's quite a few scenes of betrayals and I felt that d main character (acted by Raymond Lam) is kinda stupid as he kept letting himself be deceived by his beloved lover. But I guess love is blind. Ha! Niwayz, I LUV this series as lots of my fav actors and actress acted in this show.

I managed 2 find d theme song and downloaded it. It's so niceeeeeeeeeee:)

Monday, August 23, 2010


 Mmmm... It reaally looks good.......

My mum made brownies n it's really delicious..... Sigh, cant wait to get my hds on it. I'm so gonna bring it to schol 2dy.....

I'm feelin really bored. Maybe i shud jst finish my hw so.. bye!

Monday, August 16, 2010


I sprained my ankle yesterday so i went to see d doctor 2dy. D doc said dat my ankle will heal within 3-5 dys n he gv me some medicine. Thank god i can walk ok in school n it didnt hurt so much...but whenever i walk up d stairs it kinda hurts...

It was really stupid. When i stepped out of d car i fell down cuz i was carryin 2 vry heavy bags of fruits..Shouldnt hv fell, but i somehow tripped.. so damn stupid.:

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Four

I just watched a hong kong drama series called "The Four" with my family (onie watched till episode 3). Yeah. It was acted by Raymond Lam, Sammul Chan, Ron Ng and Kenneth Ma. The theme song is so nice... I luv it when i first heard it!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

today got school........

Today's a sat but there's school... It was suppose 2 replace 4 deepavali or sth. Niwayz onie 31 ppl in our class came. Teacher din teach today. During eng, we played win, loose or draw while during sc, tcher tell ghost stories. She said the stories r real....

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Gathering at piano teacher's hse

At 2 o' clock, we went to our piano tcher's hse to play exam pieces in front of tcher n d other students. You know, to control our nerve and well, learn other student's good points.

I did not feel dat nervous, but i made mistakes. Instead of feeling disappointed, i felt satisfied i did not make as many mistakes as some others n relieved dat i finally can sit back n relax n hear d other students playing.

One student who came is not coming to play d exam pieces, as she's not taking piano exam this year. Instead, she performed other songs. She played d original version of "The Entertainer" n sing n play another song which i dunno d tittle. She has good voice, i luvvvvv d song :)

After d session, d pizza delivary man came. Tcher ordered 3 boxes of different flavour pizzas. Pepperoni, pineapple n another...uh, i dunno wat's dat pizza called, but it had olive n some other vege, i tink. I ate a slice from each different flavour.

Oh, i watched 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice" yesterday! It was really nice. We got free vouchers n claimed snacks like popcorn n coke. D thing is, we claimed d snacks hlf an hour b4 d movie strted so we've gotta carry d snacks wherever we went. It was very inconvenient as d coke might leak so we had 2 b careful.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Another project....wat a burden

Sigh, another project. First sejarah, then sivik and now geografi.. N the hardest of all three too..
Plus puan baljit onie give us 1 mth to do..

Niwayz..wats cmin up next?? Soccerthon!! Its on this sat!! The onie thing is dat i'm not able to go and take part in playing this football is dat i'm gonna watch "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" with my family.
Usually i'm not so keen on sports, but after havin a good time kickin the ball (onie for a while though) i find football's quite fun=]

Ah, "Vampire Sucks" is cmin out in aug 26th, i believe. Cant wait to watch. Cheryl (especially), zoe n the others r very excited abour this parody of "Twilight" and now after watchin the trailer, i myself feel quite excited too!

Oh man... Gotta do stupid peka for sciencelah. I forgot to do........

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Limited time to do sivik project.....:(

Oh man! Teacher told us just now that we have to hand in our project next week.. Gotta rush:(

At first I tot we onie have to pass up the project in october, just wat the letter tcher gave about a month ago.. But too bad too sad, looks like I've gotta start doing my project or I probably will not have anything to pass u at all..

Just now for kh we gotta sew the cangkal and dunno wat, didn't manage to finish in class, so dats hw. sigh, so much stress lately, my piano exam is in a few week's and I'm not ready yet (mentally), cuz I'm too lazy and dat I'm too disracted to practise piano..

Friday, July 16, 2010


I'm gonna wtch D Sorcerrers Apprentice nx wk!!!

eminem has a new album......

Accordin to elsa, eminem has a new album d. But all sold out.......... oh i love d song 'love the way you lie" damn nice


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

food...i'm coming!!!

I can't wait to go to my fren's hari kantin this week. There will be lots of food, i think.=)
Hope it's not too expensive though...

Friday, June 25, 2010

So bored...

So boredla

I luv... K-pop:)

Hmmm, i find myself likin k-pop lately. Through korean dramas like "Boys Over Flowers" and "Brilliant Legacy", i am more exposed to korean songs:) N they're really fab, at the moment i'm tryin to learn how to play those songs on piano.

Friday, June 18, 2010

School's starting SOON!!!!

Holiday's over and now school is starting...:(

So sad.....