Friday, May 17, 2013


I got interested with personality tests again. I have always been interested with these sort of tests as I will like to get to know myself better. Anyway, I did a test which was similar to the Briggs Meyer test and the result was INTJ. I obtained this result a few times before but I felt doubtful as I got a different result before that too (yes I did a few times). I read the functions and it started to make sense to me. Some of the negative characters that INTJ's have eg arrogance do not match my character. I might have those when I was younger but I am not sure whether that makes me an INTJ or not. So if I really am an INTJ, I have to say that I am glad to be one. INTJs aren't suppose to be affected by conflicts and criticisms. For me, I do not feel anything initially when I am lectured, for example. So the negative feelings must have been self-inflicted as I think too much after that. Also, the mindset of not wanting to get married from such a young age might be because of my personality type. Apparently, INTJs are people who have very high expectations when it comes to this aspect. I am not really sure but I think INTJs can be rather oblivious because of their quaternary function, ie extra sensing, which is their Archilles heel. INTJs are really rare people, they make up about 1% of mankind in this world. The fact that the people who belong to this personality type is so rare and online tests aren't really accurate, I have to say that I am still feeling doubtful about the result; however I am more postive than before that I am an INTJ after reading the functions of the personality type after that. Actually, I was supposed to be studying instead of researching about all these stuff. Oh wells.

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