Friday, May 17, 2013


I got interested with personality tests again. I have always been interested with these sort of tests as I will like to get to know myself better. Anyway, I did a test which was similar to the Briggs Meyer test and the result was INTJ. I obtained this result a few times before but I felt doubtful as I got a different result before that too (yes I did a few times). I read the functions and it started to make sense to me. Some of the negative characters that INTJ's have eg arrogance do not match my character. I might have those when I was younger but I am not sure whether that makes me an INTJ or not. So if I really am an INTJ, I have to say that I am glad to be one. INTJs aren't suppose to be affected by conflicts and criticisms. For me, I do not feel anything initially when I am lectured, for example. So the negative feelings must have been self-inflicted as I think too much after that. Also, the mindset of not wanting to get married from such a young age might be because of my personality type. Apparently, INTJs are people who have very high expectations when it comes to this aspect. I am not really sure but I think INTJs can be rather oblivious because of their quaternary function, ie extra sensing, which is their Archilles heel. INTJs are really rare people, they make up about 1% of mankind in this world. The fact that the people who belong to this personality type is so rare and online tests aren't really accurate, I have to say that I am still feeling doubtful about the result; however I am more postive than before that I am an INTJ after reading the functions of the personality type after that. Actually, I was supposed to be studying instead of researching about all these stuff. Oh wells.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Ee Lyn once told me that we should write down happy things rather than writing down sad moments as writing something down makes us feel that particular emotion longer. But the truth is, when I feel sad only do I have the need to spill out my emotions, not when I am happy. So here we go... Being called stupid in your face kinda hurts your ego you know. Well if it is my boss who calls me so in the future, I will bear with it whether I like it or not. But if it's a family member, obviously you will give out reasons and argue back. As my reason does not stand strong, I am referred to as having an attitude problem, argue for the sake of arguing and goodness knows what else are they thinking in the back of their minds. This is quite a small matter considering if we want to compare to the huge family rows which happen to other families. Well the truth is, I must just avoid the whole situation from happening by not saying anything at all at the wrong time. So what if I am being called stupid? I'm not letting what you say run my life anyway. Come to think of it, everyone in this world has attitude problems as none of us are perfect. All we can do is to fix our flaws, and I am doing that right now. So yeah, I shall try to be more diplomatic even though I am angry. This is my side of the story for tonight.